Monday, February 18, 2013

another start

I've entered back into the blog world again - it gives me something to do as I've been spending a lot of time sitting around lately.

10 weeks ago I ripped up the inside of my knee (a few different things ripped - one of which moved & doesn't allow me to actually extend my leg fully, another that needs repairing, and another that needs full reconstruction).  So I've spent all of those weeks hobbling around on crutches, being mostly useless, and getting fatter.  It bugs me to be useless, but I've been strangely content with getting fatter.  Maybe don't tell my wife that...

If you're wondering 'what's with the title?', then here it is: I'm trying to focus on the fact that I'm passing as a father, husband, friend, and son of God - though barely.  And it's usually not because of any great thing I do.  I'm surrounded by greatness and trying to learn.  So I felt like it would be fun to share what I've been learning in different aspects of my life and how failing is never fatal.  It's a bit of walking the line & enjoying it!  And not being worried if some of the experiences turn into F-.

Here's some of my kids who recently have been walking the line!

I calmly asked them what they were doing - apparently the only snow good enough for making snowballs happened to be up there.  They were not wrong....  But I told them to put the ladder away & maybe I'd take the older one up there this summer.  I loved the creativity & determination & adventurous spirit.

Then 5 minutes later.....

It's difficult to get too mad when you admire what they are doing...  That's 'Mario' trying to walk the line on the fence to get the ball.  He gets an A+ for trying.  And an A+ for throwing the ball up there in trying to create a legitimate excuse to go up there again & still listen to his father (by putting the ladder away).

#proud dad

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